Commodity Strategy

    Ein wesentliches Element eines erfolgreichen strategischen Einkaufs sind individuell entwickelte Strategien für die relevanten Warengruppen. Über diese lassen sich Organisationen optimal leiten und beste Ergebnisse erzielen. 

Individual adaptation of best-practice strategies

Indirect procurement areas could hardly be more different. They range from highly volatile, currency-dependent commodities such as air freight to very constant areas such as building cleaning. From very production-related topics such as lubricants or machine cleaning to very abstract topics such as insurance. For each commodity there are best practice strategies.


We are guided by this

Supply/ quality assurance
First priority is the delivery of the service. All parameters of different service providers have to be taken into account. Which service providers can fulfil the services? Single or multiple sourcing, local or global procurement? Answers may vary per commodity.
Budget conformity
It is essential to procure the required products and services at the best price. The handling of volatile markets, fluctuating demands and special effects have to be regulated.
Process reliability
Process assurance is a key factor in commodity strategy with increasing digitalisation. It facilitates strategic purchasing work, enables transparency and efficiency.

Here is how we can support you

As part of a project, we develop the optimal commodity strategy for you. The concepts implemented determine the strategy to be applied in the commodity group in the future.
It should not be a complete project? We would be happy to accompany your team in the form of coaching in the development of your own commodity strategy. In doing so, we bring in our experience from other projects.

We are here for you

Procurement People

Sören Seewald
Christian Aigner